16 September 2013

Be Inspired

As a language arts teacher I am constantly encouraging my students to look for inspiration in the world around them. Of course, my pubescent students generally respond to my enthusiastic encouragements with blank stares, but, nonetheless, I encourage them to be inspired.

So where does inspiration come from? As a lover of language and the arts, my immediate response is EVERYWHERE!

13 September 2013

I remember

I will never forget 9-11-01.

My classmates & I began to wonder why the teachers left 40+ ornery 7th & 8th graders to themselves during the chapel hour. I was elected to head upstairs and find out what was going on. A quick glance into a few classrooms & the school office told me that I wouldn't find any of the teachers in their rooms. As I approached the choir room, I could hear the news running on the television. It was eerily quiet as one of the teachers said, "what do we tell our students?" As I peeked in the room I saw my administrator staring blankly at the large television on the rolling cart. My mother & one of the elementary teachers stood at his side. I was overwhelmed: what was going on? Why did the whole room feel so sombre? My mother & the others exited, nearly running me over. "Does Mr. Ahrens know the junior highers are by themselves downstairs?" Mom quicky filled me in as she & Mr. Ahrens escorted me downstairs.

America had been attacked.

I don't remember if they told us then or later. I do remember that the rest of the day was a blur.

I remember praying & watching the news. Each time the  planes hit & the Towers fell my stomach did flip-flops & my hear raced to my throat. I watched people run in terror as smoke filled the sky over & over agin. Never in my life have I been more terrified. Never in my life have I been more aware that God is in control and it is foolish to trust in the strength of man.

That night our church hosted a prayer vigil for those lost & missing. People from the community flooded the building--they saw the crosses rising above the interstate & came seeking answers & comfort. Strangers joined hands as people broke up in small groups to pray. We prayed for our nation; we prayed for our leaders; we prayed for the families; we prayed for the missing.

Today, I remember. 

Today, I remind.

Today, I pray that it doesn't take another act of terror to turn America's heart back to Christ.