16 November 2007

poor provential life

The cost of college has be weighing heavily on my mind. Wouldn't it be nice if my bill was the same of those who first came to Maranatha in 1968? I am thankful that my parents want me to work for my education. It gives me the feeling that it is truly MY education--after all I am paying for part of it. I will be able to look back in five years and say that I helped my parents give me more than a "poor provential life."

It would be nice, though, to be part of one of those financial blessings that you always read about in college magazines. You know, the student who was working hard & praying for the finances to complete the semester & out of no where they receive a financial "gift" that could have only come from the Lord. I can say that I am one of those students.

In late September I completed an essay for a financial scholarship. I turned in with a week in advance & prayed for the best. The day before the deadline, the scholarship committee asked me to send them a piece of information before they could enter my essay into running. Because of different circumstances, I was unable to send them the item they requested & gave up hoping that I would be awarded the scholarship.

On Thursday, November 8, 2007, Mom called me after returning from leadership camp. She passively told me that a large envelope had come in the mail for me with no return address. She was going to throw it away with the other junk mail, but decided to open it just to see what it was. The letter began:
"Dear Ms. Lawson,
Congratulations! You have been selected to receive. . . "
The letter went on to tell me the specifics of winning the scholarship. I SCREAMED!! My roommate nearly fell off her bed, computer & all. I ran down my hallway screaming. How great is my God?! I had been praying for two months for the Lord's help financially. He answered my prayer in such a way that I know only He could have worked. I received a scholarship that I thought I had absolutely no chance of winning!

My God is my Father. He owns a cattle on a thousand hills. Why do I ever doubt the power He has? I do not deserve the love He show toward me.


  1. Our God is sooooo good. I am rejoicing with you.

    We have something just for you when you come home that you will be THANKFUL for...come see us on Wednesday.

    Loving you.
    Auntie M.

  2. Praise the Lord for His answer to your prayers. God is so good. He loves His children and provides at the perfect time.
    We are praying for you! The blog is a nice way to keep up with what is going on in your life.
    With love,
    Pastor Kevin & Miss Holly
