It's surprising how friendships can be made thru class. School is more than just education in academics, it's social education as well. God has given me some great friends who I just happened to sit by in one of my many classes. Each one of my seat buddies has been an encouragement to me in one way or another. I can't wait to return to college in September & sit by old seat buddies while making new friends at the same time. Dorm! I never dreamed that I would have so much fun with girls I had never met before. We played games, laughed, made cookies, watched movies, studied, & played football. Each girl's diverse background just made dorm activities that much more exciting. I'm sad for those graduating or not returning--I'll miss them bunches.
My roommates, whether official or unofficial, this year were awesome. I loved to talk with Bekah about history & the end times. I am so glad that the Lord has provided Bekah with the opportunity of leadership next year. I'll miss rooming with her--she'll have one lucky roommate. Sarah just makes me laugh--all of the time. Whether we were playing games, watching movies, studying, or making cookies for our society, Sarah was sure to keep things light & humorous. Brittney was the quiet one but would always encourage a prank with a smile. I am glad that I will see Britt next year. Lisa aided & abetted Bekah & I in joking with Kim. Lisa joined the room at semester break--a complete shock to the rest of us, but now, we can't imagine Weeks 104 without her. Kim, well...Kim is short. Kim was an awesome PC. She may have been gone most of the time because she was practicing for her senior recital, but she always made time for her roommates & friends. Plus, she was also a tutor. I am so thankful for all of my roommates. I can't wait to see how the Lord will use them in my life & the lives of others in the future. Most of my waking moments were spent with friends I met thru Jarid. They are no longer just "Jarid's friends," nor am I just "Jarid's sister." They have become my friends. We have had a lot of fun together, but it's more than just that. They have moved beyond friends, they are family.
Tim has become my third brother. I value his opinion, love to joke with him (& he loves to make me blush & honk), & he is a great study buddy. Though we think differently...a LOT differently...I am thankful & cherish the conversations that we've had. Thru Tim I have learned to think a little more realistically. Granted, I won't give up my dreams, but he has reminded me to keep at least one foot firmly planted on the ground.
Kris has become my sister--my crazy sister. With Kris I can be hyper or on cloud 9 & she joins me. All too often we are told we are immature, but hey, you only live life once! Kris is also a great listener. She values everything I have to say before making suggestions. She helps me think thru (& sometimes helps me forget) situations that have come up in my life. We have a lot of fun together: skating, bowling, driving around drinking energy drinks...but, the times I cherish most are the times when we are hanging out doing nothing & just talk. I have learned so much from her this year & will miss her during the summer. There are so many more friends that I could mention. Friends that have been there for me thru thick & thin. Friends that know more about me than they want to know. I have had fun with each of my new friends: ice skating, roller-skating, bowling, shopping, birthday parties, & skiing. I will never forget the fun times that the Lord has given me this semester, but more importantly, I won't forget the friends that He brought into my life. They have been the best of friends. I will miss all of them terribly over the summer, but am excited to see how God will continue to use them in my future.
"Who can say if I've been changed for the better? Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
Aw, sounds like a nice end to the semester, Lynnae. I'm so glad to have been included in it and play such a big part in your life - it has made my life that much more fun! Although I have to say, that is QUITE the picture you put up of us! Haha!